Protection against HIV and other STIs

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Different methods, the same goal:

Protection against HIV and other STIs

Several methods exist to effectively protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Not all of them are applicable to everyone. That is why it is important to choose the one that suits you.

The condom:

a safe protection against HIV and STIs

Proper use of a condom is a simple and inexpansive method to protect yourself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections with every sex.

How to properly use a condom?

1. Open the package on the serrated side (do not use scissors, blades or teeth).


2. Check the roll direction (make sure that the condom can be unrolled outwards).  Press the reservoir (condom tip) well together (3 fingers) so that there is no air in the condom (otherwise the condom may burst).


3. Hold the tip together well and roll the condom all the way down over the stiff penis.


4. After ejaculation, hold the condom to the shaft – otherwise it may slip off the penis when pulled out.


The ten most common mistakes when using condoms are outlined in this video:

Kondome überziehen – Die häufigsten Fehler & wie es richtig geht (youtube)

PEP – possible protection AFTER a situation with high HIV risk


PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is an HIV medication to be taken as soon as possible after a high risk of HIV infection for a period of 4 weeks, so that the HI virus cannot settle in with the body.

Whether such a risk has existed and the taking of the PEP makes sense, must be medically clarified.

Information and prescription:

LKH Graz-Süd West, Standort West
Infectiological Special Clinic U11
Tel. 0316 / 5466 6023
Göstingerstraße 22, 8020 Graz


Important: PEP can only prevent HIV infection, but does not protect against other STIs!

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) Medication BEFORE having a risk

If there is a multiple risk of HIV and condoms do not work as a safer sex method for a variety of reasons, PrEP can help protect against HIV. The circumstances under which PrEP can be prescribed are explained in a counselling interview.

Further information is available in our PrEP pamphlet.

Important: PrEP only protects against HIV, but not against other STIs!


Where can I get the PrEP?

In Austria, PrEP may only be prescribed by doctors who specialize in HIV and is not covered by health insurance.


In Styria, the LKH Graz Süd-West, Standort West provides PrEP. For information and appointment contact Infectiological Special Clinic U11:
Tel. 0316 / 5466 6023
Göstingerstraße 22, 8020 Graz


In Vienna the group practice Schalk:Pichler offers PrEP counselling dates.

Tel. 01 40 80 744

Zimmermannplatz 1, 1090 Wien


The counselors of AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark are always available for questions about PrEP.

TasP (Therapy as Prevention): HIV-positive with effective therapy – very low risk of transmission

The goal of HIV therapy is to reduce the number of HI viruses to the extent that they do not harm the body and transmission is virtually eliminated. This is called having a viral load below detection limit. Regular blood tests and medical checks are necessary in order to ensure the success of the therapy.

Important: HIV therapy does not protect against STIs!

Test and loyalty – a safe protection


A negative HIV test result of the partner and sexual loyalty in the relationship are a safe protection. Whether and when a test for sexually transmitted infections is necessary and useful can be clarified in a counselling interview.



Which protection suits me?

Condom, PrEP, PEP, … which method is the right one, everyone should decide for themselves. We at AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark offer individual and anonymous counselling.

Further Reading: Downloads

Pamphlet on proper condom use for women and men

Pamphlet on proper condom use (for men who have sex with men)

Pamphlet for adolescents on sexuality, sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) and proper condom use

Information about Pre-Exposition Prophylaxis (PrEP)